
Every Dollar Helps Animals and People in Need

The HIT Living Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We invite you to make a tax-deductible contribution to both our dog rescue and humanitarian efforts to support those in need in times of crisis. If you would like to donate toward our dog rescue, rehabilitation, and re-homing efforts, please notate in the comment section of your donation below. 100% of your donation will assist in providing at-risk dogs with medical care, a safe and loving foster foster home, spay and neuter, and the first-round vaccinations.

If you would like to make a donation for a specific dog, please list the dogs name in the comment section so we can make sure that 100% of your donation goes directly towards their rehabilitation costs.

If you would like to donate specifically to one of our humanitarian projects to help aid in relief during times of crises and natural disasters, please specify in the comment section below.


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